
Analyze & Discussion about the best cutting solution

We analyze & Discuss

Our Technical Sales get in touch  to discuss your current production parameters. Based on your feedback and our expertise, we brainstorm on the ideal cutting solution.

Advices about the best cutting solution

We advise

Our Experts study your case and reccomend the best cutting solution for your application.


Production of blades & knives

We produce

Our Engineers design and produce your blades using the latest CAD-CAM technology. Our robotized machines then execute the work promptly.

Grinding of knives & blades

We grind

After machining and heat treatment, our team grinds your blades on our 5-Axis CNC grinding machines. All finishing surfaces  and tolerances are possible upon request!


We deliver & follow up

All blades are inspected by our Quality Control department before shipment by our 3 delivery trucks.